Socio-Economy assessments are complex measurements done in a variety of ways based on individual’s experience, economic & social position in relation to others, based on income, education & occupation. It is a powerful determinant of health; as a general rule, wealthy people tend to be healthier than people of poorer status.
Socio-Economic studies are often a component of Environmental Impact Analysis (EIA) for most development projects. Socio-economic impacts studies include: qualitative community impacts such as benefits related to educational and quality of life; and project specific impacts w.r.t population, demographics, land use and economy.
IGRI conducts various studies based on its primary surveys and published data from various government sources. with consideration of the current local needs and future requirements based on the history of pandemics and quality of life at a particular area, IGRI prepares reports in a most comprehensive way. From mapping of primary health center to impact of projects on socio-economy with a perspective of environment and quality of life experts associated with IGRI has experience of wide variety of projects.
Our Track Records:
Our clients include Urban Management Centre (UMC), Gujarat Mineral Development Corporation (GMDC), Royal group of companies, People in Centre (PIC).
Socio-Economic related Services
Mapping of Village Census
Amenities studies
Corporate Social Responsibilities (CSR) studies
Resettlement & Rehabilitation (R&R)