Scarce still misused, Abundant but Wasted. Water is one of the world’s most valuable resources. This coveted resource now requires a careful management and right conservation practices.
Infrastructure projects, industrial processes and mining activities all causes impact on water regime and hydrogeological studies are often essential in such conditions.
Due to a lack of awareness, knowledge and experience concerning proper approaches, measurement and analysis, the impact of groundwater–surface water interactions is still not fully understood and is often underestimated with regards to environmental, water conservation and management practices. This lack of knowledge exchange from research to management practice suggests that more efforts are needed to disseminate scientific results and methods to practitioners and policy makers.
Realising this gap we strive to use state-of-the-art technologies for field monitoring and integrated modelling for greater efficiencies, comprehensive analysis and design recommendations. Collaboration with other researchers aids in studying the coupled processes between groundwater and surface water systems.
Using a multidisciplinary approach our geoscientists conduct basic and applied studies to understand hydrogeological frameworks and related processes such as rainfall-runoff response, Soil percolation studies, Sub-surface 3D modelling, Groundwater flow analysis, flood and volume-frequency relationships in streams, water quality, sediment and contaminant transport and impacts on aquatic ecosystems, water level monitoring etc. Such comprehensive studies provide better tools for problems including flood forecasting, storm water management, impacts of changing land use activities on hydrologic systems and possibilities for artificial recharge including others.
Our track records:
We have a long and successful record of working with planners, engineers and regulators developing sites in sensitive hydrological settings.
IGRI’s hydrogeologists, geochemists and ecologists regularly work in conjunction to upscale the range of skills they already possess to undertake water resource studies, habitat surveys, assess groundwater and surface water interaction, river flow calculations, prepare water balances and present habitat improvement and diversification plans.
We provide specialized groundwater services for mining, civil, agriculture, industrial water supply and wastewater management areas
We take utmost care for our clients’ requirement of reliable and sustainable water supplies, predictable inflow rates, marginal cost of groundwater management, minimal impacts of their projects on groundwater and surface water regime and negligible risks to other groundwater users and groundwater-dependent ecosystems.
Experiences of our hydro-geologists’ covers variety of projects coming from government departments and private agencies within India and abroad.
Hydrological Services
Sub-surface Geophysical Logging
Hydro-Geological Mapping and Analysis
Resistivity Surveys
Flood forecasting,
Meteorological studies,
River and Groundwater flow analysis,
Water level detection and monitoring,
Watershed analysis;
Sub-surface / Hydro-Geological 3D modeling,
Artificial Groundwater recharges;
Site suitability analysis etc.