Forest & Ecology
Forest is a manifold habitat. Trees and bushes, Humans and Animals, Fungi and Lichens almost everything co-exists. It is more than just count of trees or source of raw materials; it also functions as area of recreation and relaxation. The interaction and reciprocation between the various elements in the forest contribute to optimal functioning of forest eco-system.
It is important to know that in India there is no definition of the word “Forest” in two important national acts of forests i.e. Indian Forest Act 1927, and Forest Conservation Act 1980, and there’s several definition of forest present across the world, even in India there is around 6 different definitions of forest present with respect to it applications. With consideration of the diverse species of plants and trees present across the world, the type of terrain, dependency of local eco-system over it and our requirements for development of infrastructure, it is not possible to have comprehensive definition of forest.
Forest mapping and conservation is a key element to every project and precise demarcation of it requires data from various sources. Experts as IGRI are proficient enough to resolve any such conflicts between government notified boundaries; private owned lands and published definitions of forest for providing a precise demarcation of boundaries for any required project categories.
Our Track Record:
Our work on forest mapping and its changes over a period of 3 decades i.e. from 1970’s onwards to 2007 has been published in a book “Forests and Tribal Livelihood, Changing Behaviours and Attitudes” by Centre for Cultural Development, an organization well known for its research. We have work on several projects which requires a precise demarcation of forest boundaries and eco-sensitive zones. Our clients include Centre for cultural development, People in Centre, Precitech Laboratories, Gujarat Environment Management Institute, Aarav saltworks, J H Salts pvt ltd., Asian Salts, Real Refined Saltworks pvt ltd. etc to name few.
Services related to Forest and Ecology
Field Survey through Drones
Tree Counting through satellite images
Demarcation of Mangroves forests boundaries
Category wise forest mapping
Animal tracking
Fauna and Flora studies
Ecological Impact studies